Tips on cleaning fabric sofa

As you know, treatment on leather versus fabric sofa is different. Fabric sofa is not as liquid and stain resistant as leather sofa. Keep in mind though, that both leather and fabric sofa needs gentle cleaning. Anything strong, like most over the counter cleaning products, might ruin your Sofa. This time we'll talk about just fabric sofa. Now your fabric may be made of linen, velvet, cotton, nylon or a mix of some of those. Regardless, try to stay away from soap and other cleaning products in the beginning; they will fade the color of your fabric. Only when you have a hard-removed dirt or stain and ready to give up, you can resort to stronger cleaning products. Be sure to apply the cleaning products evenly throughout your sofa. So that if there were color fades, they wouldn't be as noticeable. If you are on board, let's try do the cleaning in less abrasive and natural way. Do this steps in order.


Dry wipe your sofa

Get your sofa ready for grooming

First, always do vacuum and brush cleaning before anything else. If you notice, dirt and dust, when they are moist, will be harder to clean. Worse if you allow dirt and dust penetrate deeper and leave a stain. So, dry cleaning method is preferable. You will probably get the most dirt and dust by using your vacuum and brush. So, you'll left with the stains now.






Wet wipe your sofa

Deep Clean

Second, get your couch ready for grooming by using a clean and dry white hand towel or washcloth to brush the entire piece of furniture, breaking up any dried-on spots and removing any bits that have made homes of nooks and crannies. You may use water at this point to rub on spots. Avoid using any colored towels or sponges, as the dye may alter the color of your couch.





Sprinkle baking soda on your sofa

Bye Dirt & Stain

Lastly, the secret ingredient you may use is baking soda. Sprinkle baking soda evenly all over your sofa. Let is sit for 20 minutes, then clean with vacuum. Baking soda will break the tough stain and lurking smell on your sofa. Do a last round spot cleaning with water and clean towel. This cleaning method is safe to use on fabrics and can be done anytime your sofa needs a cleaning.